10 AM - 05 PM (Monday to Saturday)



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This means that a complex body requires a complex mixture. For example, the human body is classed as compact and is therefore complex. So when disease occurs in the body, more than one part is involved. Diseases can produce many symptoms and therefore complex medicine is required to work on the complex disease.

Electro Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that draws all of its remedies from non-poisonous plants. It does not use sources from the mineral or animal kingdom. The remedies work with nature and help the healing

Electro Homoeopathic remedies are all extracted from non-poisonous plants and do not create drug addiction or side effects. All remedies use the physical properties and not the chemical ones and are therefore ideal to combat the human body disorders without any side effects.

Electro Homoeopathic remedies work on the principle that diseased organisms are far more sensitive than healthy organisms and change the condition of the bodily fluids. A remedy should not be given to remove the symptoms of the body but to work on the cause of the disease.

Electro Homoeopathy can be used by anyone of any age group who suffers from acute to chronic illnesses, for example, depression, arthritis, migraine, ulcers or ME.

The manner of preparing these compound remedies is the method of “cohobation”. This method uses plant extracts in the higher energies (vital force). This is a very potent invisible force, abstract in the natural form which transforms every constitution of the living being as an ‘Od Force’ (vital force). Each remedy is derived from the active enzymes of several plants. When the complex remedy is administered to the patient it completely covers and controls the body. The remedy will then move through the body acting on the parts that require it. As soon as the diseased part is sufficiently saturated with the remedy, it stops absorbing it. When all the parts of the body have been healed, the medicine itself is no longer absorbed.

Metabolism remedies are for exterior metabolism and the organs of assimilation.

Lymph remedies are for the system of lymph and glands.

Blood remedies are for the blood and its circulatory system.

The cellular construction is influenced by the Tissue-remedies.

Besides these, there are remedies of a moral limited character, the Fever and Nerve-remedies, chiefly influencing the vegetative system of nerves, such as regulation of temperature, secretion of sweat, the filling of the blood vessels, innervations of our heart etc.

In a healthy, normal body there is a perfect equilibrium of all powers and tensions. But when the harmony of the whole is troubled by some pathological process, it results in either an increased sensitivity, as mostly happens with acute diseases, or a lessened sensitivity and reaction, as with most chronic diseases. The Fluids are used to remove these derangements in the sphere of the nervous system and to regulate the tonic power in our body. There are five Fluids, which are made as colourless mixtures of essences in a weak alcoholic solution. According to their indication they are marked with botanical names.

Rhododendron cp. (Red Fluid) and Capsella cp. (Blue Fluid) are used as stimulants.

Populus cp. (Green Fluid) and Sambucus cp (yellow Fluid) as a mitigating remedy

Viscum album cp. (White Fluid) chiefly serves for general invigoration.

These fluids may be employed, according to circumstances, pure or diluted for internal as well as for external use.

The Italian noble Count Ceaser Mattei discovered these remedies in the latter part of the 1800s in Bologna, Italy. Under the influence of the philosopher Paolo Costa, Count Mattei was encouraged to devote his time and wealth to the service of humanity. He was elected as a member of the Roman Parliament but soon abandoned political life and gave himself up entirely to medical studies. He acquainted himself with the researches of the illustrious Hahnemann, the discoverer of original Homeopathy, and also with human polarity. Being a herbalist himself, he prepared these remedies from herbs and named them Electro Homoeopathic medicines. After Mattei had completed his experiments, he subjected his remedies to severe and numerous tests. Between 1865 and 1867, more than 20,000 patients were treated under the supervision of Dr Coli and Dr Conti. In 1869 the Pope opened a ward in the Hospital of Sant Theresa at Rome where the remedies could be tested more fully. The results were astonishing.